miércoles, 2 de abril de 2014



This is how we describe someone that has no probelm saying waht he/she tinks or believe no matter the consequeces.
I believe I don't have a single hair in my tongue so I  say whatever I want.
Some of us had felt insulted or offended by comments or statuses at the social web sites so on these days.
Not me.
Block me or get over it. And I say it ina practical good way,

Nutty in the Loft

Mi problema no es la imprudencia como siempre he creido.
My problem is not the imprudence as I always believed.

Es la loca de la casa, la pensadora, mi cerebro que va a mil por minuto.
Is the "nutty living in the loft", the unstopable thinker, my brain that runs a thousand miles per minute.
El Cerebro También Necesita Ejercitarse
Down here in Colombia where I live we call the brain "La loca de la casa" which translated to english means something like... there is a nutty or crazy someone linving in the apartment of loft above, and by above we mean our brain.
My baby is growing fast... every single human being is unique and nobody is like you...
That I learned from her these days.
While my seven year old boy is funny and always laughs out of everything, she is not a laughing lady as her mother. She is always so serious...but today... I win a battle against her and make her laugh against her will to not to...
In here she wasn't laughing at all... I remember it was so easy to make Miguel (my older son) to lauhg... but after a serious treatment I get a huge reaction:
Then it was so easy to insist onto it.... the more she laughs, the more she makes me lauhg, and we were feeding each other with our smiling therapy.

Untill it ends... then she wanted me to pick her up and so I did.
Having kids make you aware in many different ways, and amaze you with the most simple and tiny things, such as laughing...
I'm in love <3 p="">

White&Colorful: White in the outside, colorful in her spirit

Conceal It | The Chriselle Factor

Conceal It | The Chriselle Factor

Conceal It | The Chriselle Factor

Conceal It | The Chriselle Factor

Conceal It | The Chriselle Factor

Mint In the City of Love

Conceal It | The Chriselle Factor

Conceal It | The Chriselle Factor

Conceal It | The Chriselle Factor

Conceal It | The Chriselle Factor

Conceal It | The Chriselle Factor